Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



dl XM Download

Info Internal Texts

│ -= X File =- │
│ Kosmic Release by │
│ B e r t │
│ - Sample Origin - │
│Percussion Basehead│
│Conga Mellow-D│
│Voices The X-Files│
│ TV Series│
│Strings Yam.psr500│
│Fem.vocals Basehead│
│Bass Basehead│
│Ambient fx Basehead│
│Hihats & Snare TR909│
│ - Contact & Info - │
│Email: │
│ d.r.vandervelden │
│ _wbmt.tudelft.nl │
│or: │
│ bert_kosmic.org │
│WWW: │
│ http://sdc.wtm. │
│ tudelft.nl/bert │
│ Copyright 1996 │
│ D R van der Velden │
│ AllRights Reserved │

accepted original.. S
those familiar with i
similarities. i worke
playing time -22:20
DC-Conga 1
DC-Conga 2
DC-Conga 3
DC-Conga 4
DC-Conga 5
DC-Conga 6

Fear -
Fear -
Fear -
How bi
Fear -
Dark -
Must b



Info Info

x_file.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 834.60KB in size and has been downloaded 767 times since Thu 9th Dec 2004 :D

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