Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


intro number 101

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composd by the oldest
wotw / essence
after the party 3! i
got new powers to wri
te other 100 chipies!
i liked the party ver
y much coz i met my b
est friends and had a
lot fun fun with them
i took xtc only becau
se not 2 sleep! hehee
also i recognized tha
t i'm a member of one
the best groups in th
is scene! our members
are like honey! so sw
eet . funny . and the
most important for me
that they are gay!!!!
hey christian! nichts
ist besser als auf dr
ogen zu ficken! ! !!!
vor allem wenn sie au
ch drauf ist!!!!!!!!!
for all kind of drugs
write 2: ????????????
elef's coffee shop!
72793 pfullingen
or call: 07121/76586
(c) wotw/esc 1.01.94!


Info Info

intro_number_101.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 11.44KB in size and has been downloaded 2729 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

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A short and dramatic song that shines through its simplicity and melody.

Posted by Uncertain on Sat 1st Jun 2019


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