Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: Purple Motion

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By Purple Motion of
Future Crew

Tune lenght : 2.45


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soul-o-matic.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 150.04KB in size and has been downloaded 16146 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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One of the best disco-funk MODs you can find. Insane drum patterns.

Posted by tomaes on Tue 4th Feb 2014

Great track. I remember this one from the verge pack-in demo.

Posted by rainwarrior on Wed 29th Aug 2012

Ok, even though I don't like disco, this song isn't too bad. It has a good, stable, beat, and some cool effects throughout the song using synth. I do think the drums are a little too fast at some points in the music in relation to the rest of the samples, but I think disco-type music fans will really like this one. "Soul-O-Matic" uses very good and "clean" samples, which can sometimes determine whether a song gets a 5 rating or a 10. My bias towards not liking disco may have gotten this song a lower score than it deserves, so I reccomend you listen to it yourself and decide how you like it.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Mon 11th Jan 1999


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